The Musical Scale
The Indian
scale, like the western scale, consists of seven basic surs
(notesalso known as swaras). In the solfege, or sargam
notation used here, notes named in upper case letters indicate
the shuddh (unaltered or natural) forms of the note; notes
named in lower case letters indicate the altered formskomal
(flatted or lowered) second, third, sixth, and seventhand tivra
(sharp or raised) fourth. Like western music, the notes of Indian
music are arranged in an octave (saptak) format. In the
notation for this Web site, notes in the middle octave (madhya
saptak) are unmarked; those in the upper octave (tar saptak)
are overlined; and notes in the lower octave (mandra saptak)
are underlined.
The seven
basic notes of Hindustani music are shown in line one below, paralleling
the solfege system of western music (line two), the letter notation
system (line three), and an indication of the numerical interval
(tonic, second, third, and so forth) of each sur.
Sa |
Re |
Ga |
Ma |
Pa |
Dha |
Ni |
second Sa being an octave higher) |
Re |
Mi |
Fa |
Sol |
La |
Do |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
A |
B |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8/1 |
All twelve
Hindustani chromatic notes, paralleling those of the western scale,
Sa |
re |
Re |
ga |
Ga |
Ma |
ma |
Pa |
dha |
Dha |
ni |
Ni |
Sa |
Do |
Reb |
Re |
Mib |
Mi |
Fa |
Fa# |
Sol |
Lab |
La |
Tib |
Do |
C |
Db |
D |
Eb |
E |
F |
F# |
G |
Ab |
A |
Bb |
B |
1 |
2- |
2 |
3 |
3- |
4 |
4+ |
5 |
6- |
6 |
7- |
7 |
8/1 |
or abbreviated:
S |
r |
R |
g |
G |
M |
m |
P |
d |
D |
n |
N |
The full names
of the notes of the Hindustani scale are Sadja, Rekhab
(or sometimes Rishabh), Gandhar, Madhyam,
Pancham, Dhaivat, and Nikhad (or sometimes
Once again:
Each note is called a sur or swara; natural notes are called shuddh;
flat notes are called komal; and the single sharp note (essentially
only the fourth) is called tivra; the notes with an upper case
letter are shuddh, and those with a lower case letter are komal
(for re, ga, dha, and ni) or tivra (for ma.).
Brian Q. Silver