new items added in 2007 include:
- A Bibliography
Update to 2007
- New and
corrected links
- Expanded
The Roads beyond Lahore
- Garden
conservation updates
Stay tuned for New Features scheduled to appear on the Gardens
of the Mughal Empire Web site in the future! This site will
thus be a limitless, ever-expanding educational tool for viewers
at both the general and scholarly levels. Depending on the availability
of funds, the following features will be offered:
- Additional
gardens and monuments throughout Pakistan
- More Virtual
- Live-action
video clips
- A Photo
Gallery, featuring numerous additional photographs and artworks
pertaining to the sites
- Additional
audio components, such as narrated stories and commentary by
world-renowned educators and scholars
- A section
on recent archaeological discoveries and conservation efforts
in the region
- Additions
to the Bibliography, to include new publications
- Additions
to the Chronology, bringing it up to the present day
- And finally,
we hope to produce a complete CD of the music on the site, with
additional compositions. A perfect gift for your colleagues,
relatives and friends, the CD will direct listeners to the Web
address of Gardens of the Mughal Empire.
If you have questions or comments, please write to:
Laura T. Schneider
Dr. James L. Wescoat, Jr.
Project Director
Research Director